happy reconciliation day quotes
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Today SOUTH AFRICA celebrates the Day of Reconciliation. As Bread of Life Church International South Africa we wish this great nation a HAPPY DAY OF RECONCILIATION.
In life reconciliation is paramount where need be, for the progress of parties involved. This could be at individual, family, corporate and national levels. Reconciliation validates a fresh start between or among once waring parties.
Is there anyone you feel you should reconcile with?
Reconciliation can be abrogated by insincerity and lack of commitment from parties involved. Nevertheless, the greatest thing that can impair true reconciliation is the absence of the source of true reconciliation, God almighty.
From a christian perspective, I believe the greatest reconciliation that can ever happen is people reconciling themselves to their God, the creator of the universe. It is recognising the work of Christ on the cross of calvary for humanity. Only after this can true reconciliation happen!
We thank God for the reconciliation we see in South Africa.
God bless South Africa!
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Happy Reconciliation Day to everybody in South Africa today!
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No matter how big a nation is, it is no stronger that its weakest people, and as long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you might otherwise
Peace begins when the hungry are fed and the future begins when the hungry are educated
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Prayer, desperate prayer, seems so simple, but it’s a step rarely taken by those in family conflict.
Happy Day of reconciliation!
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This thing I am feeling, I’m almost certain, is the closest I’ll ever come to standing somewhere in between truth and reconciliation
Moments of kindness and reconciliation are worth having, even if the parting has to come sooner or later
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If there is to be reconciliation, first there must be truth
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Many tears would not be shed if you worked to continue your relationship, if the two of you are still in love, then you just have to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.
When two people really love each other, it does not really matter if one or ten years pass. You will always understand each other and the most important thing will be the welfare of the couple
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We specifically raised agrarian issues to encourage both conflicting parties to find something in common. Our strategy worked. The people eventually agreed to put aside their religious differences and sit together to reach agreements that could sustain reconciliation.
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Peace comes from being able to contribute the best that we have, and all that we are, toward creating a world that supports everyone. But it is also securing the space for others to contribute the best that they have and all that they are
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It is easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them
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Peace is the work of justice indirectly, in so far as justice removes the obstacles to peace; but it is the work of charity (love) directly, since charity, according to its very notion, causes peace
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A couple that in love should not get separated, a couple in love should to do everything to solve their problems.
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