24 Eylül 2016 Cumartesi


When daylight turns to a darkened hue,
The lovely stars hinting at you.
Your heartbeat tells you something true,
That someone is terribly missing you.
Good Night!

* * * * *

MOON has come to color your dreams,
STARS to make them musical and My SMS to give you warm and peaceful sleep.

Since your eyes are looking tired,
Let your eye lashes hug each other for few hours.
Happy journey into the world of dreams.
Good Night!

* * * * *

A Good message for a Good person from a Good friend for Good Reason at a Good time on a Good day in a Good mood to say…
Good Night!

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Night is longer than day for those who DREAM
Day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS come true.
Wish you Good Night & Sweet Dreams!

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When an angel came to me,
He asked: “What is your wish for tonight?”
I said “Please take care of the
Person who’s reading this message.”
Good Night!

* * * * *

What a pity! I’m not at your place, miles separate me from you. This night in my dreams I’ll see your face. Good night, my angel, I hope you miss me too!

good night pics

Don't afraid...
Its me...
Just putting a blanket of love upon you. So that you’ll never feel that your alone...
Love you..

* * * * *

I wish moon always be full & bright,
You always be cool & right,
Whenever you go to switch off the light,
Remember that I'm wishing you Good Night...

* * * * *

Night is longer than day for those who dream and day is longer than night for those who make their dreams come true.
Wish you Good Night & Sweet Dreams!

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When my arms can't reach people,
who are close to my heart,
I always hug them with my prayers.
May God grant you what your heart desires and keep you happy...

* * * * *

Now, birds are silent,
Butterflies are hanging,
Sun is sleeping,
Moon is watching you,
Its time to sleep,
Close your eyes,
Sweet Dreams...

* * * * *

Day may fall when sun goes off,
But you should never...
Good Night
Have rocking weekdays fellas...

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Being your friend is my gift,
Missing you is my bad luck,
Disturbing you with SMS is my way of thinking you,
But keeping our friendship is my aim...
Good night!

* * * * *

Before I sleep,
I count my blessings instead of problems,
I make sure,
I sleep happy and grateful,
Good night...

* * * * *

Please don't let a bad day convince you that you have a bad life. Good Night!

Remember to put me in your dreams and make that dream INTENSE. Love you good night.

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Loving you is like breathing. How can I stop it? Good Night. See you in dreams world.

* * * * *

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