4 Haziran 2016 Cumartesi


Wishing you
1 month of ramadan,
4 weeks of barkat,
30 days of forgiveness,
720 hours of guidance,
43200 minutes of purification,
2592000 secs of Nuur..!!
Ramadan Mubarak

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 A Good News 4 U..!
I Am Coming To Meet U..
After A Few Days, Please..
Welcome Me With Open Arms, And Smiling Face :-)
Your's Well Wisher, THAT IS RAMAZAN"

Ramadan is a month of Allah
Whose beginning is Mercy
Whose middle is Forgiveness
Whose end is Freedom from Fire

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Ramadan Kareem Mubarik.
May Allah Enables Us To Do M0re And M0re Good Deeds N To Make The M0st Of Dix M0nth... May Allah Forgive R Sins.Ameen. Remembr Me In Ur Prayers.

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Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Quran, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong)

ramadan welcome messages

I wish on this Ramadan, you are gifted with blessings of Allah and many treasured moment of joy.
"Happy Ramadan Mubarak"

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Ramadan is coming to shower blessings of Allah upon you.
May you get benefit from each hour of this holy month of Ramadan!
Ramadan Mubarak.

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He is the one GOD; the Creater, the Initiate, the Designer. To Him belong the most beautiful names... He is the Almighty, Most Wise. Wishing you a blessed Ramadan..!

ramadan welcome

 May the light that we celebrate at Ramadan show us the way & lead us together on the path of peace & social harmony.

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May you be blessed with the love and protection of Allah Wish you a pleasant Ramadan!

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May this holy month of Ramadan chase away the depression and misery that is getting the best out of you.
Happy Ramadan!

ramadan welcome

Fasting is our sacrifice, it is the life of our soul, let us sacrifice all our body, since the soul has arrived as guest.
Ramadan Mubarak!

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As da crescent moon is sighted & the holy month of Ramadan beings,
May Allah bless you with happiness and grace your home with warmth & peace..

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Prophet never proceeded (for the prayer) on the Day of Id-ul-Fitr unless he had eaten some dates. Anas also narrated: the Prophet used to eat odd number of dates

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Talk with Allah..........!!
No breath is lost Walk with Allah...........!!
No strength is lost Wait for Allah...........!!
No time is lost Have trust in Allah........!!
And you will never be lost!!
"Happy Ramadan"

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Allah always has 3 answers to our prayers/dua
2.Yes but not now
3.I have a better plan for u
there is never a NO. "Ramadan Mubarak"

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Wishing you a blessed Ramadan..!

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Ramadan recipe a glass of care a plate of love, a spoon of peace, a fork of truth & a bowl of Duaas. Mix with spices of Quraan.
Enjoy This Meal.
Ramadan Mubarak

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All Muslims Brothers and Sisters, Ramzan teaches us Patience, Polite, forgiveness and hardwark. May ALLAH gives all Muslims for polite, patience and forgiveness (Aamin)

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This is the time when the gates of hell are shut.
the devil is locked up & his work is cut.
the doors of mercy are opened up wide
& Allah's blessings are always on your side.
(Happy Ramadan)

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May the light that we celebrate at Ramadan
show us the way & lead us together on
the path of peace & social harmony.

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Don't ignore dis Ramadan; it could b your last.
Strive to obtain Allah's pleasure & hold your fast.
tomorrow could b your final day, be prepared.
Seize today by the neck & have no chance spared.

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May this Ramadan bring in you the most brightest
& choicest happiness & love you have ever wished for
May the festival of lights brighten up yours & your near & dear ones lives.

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May this Ramadan bring you the utmost in peace & prosperity.
May lights triumph over darkness.
May peace transcend the earth.
May the spirit of lite illuminate the world.
(Ramadan Mubarak)

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May Allah Accept you every Dua on " this Night of Power"
& Shower his Countless Blessings upon you & your entire family.
Remember Me In Your Prayers..

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Memories of moments celebrated together.......
Moments that have been attached in my heart, forever.......
Make me Miss you even more this Ramadan.
Hope this Ramadan brings in Good Fortune & Abounding Happiness
for you!
HAPPY Ramadan

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May the festival of lights be the harbinger
of joy and prosperity. As the holy occasion of
Ramadan is here and the atmosphere is
filled with the spirit of mirth and love,
here is hoping this festival of beauty brings
your way, bright sparkles of contentment,
that stay with you through the days ahead.

My Best wishes for u on Ramadan

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Prophet Said:
“whoever Stood For The Prayers
in The Night Of Qadr Out Of Sincere
faith And Hoping For A Reward From Allah,
then All His Previous Sins Will Be Forgiven”

As you open your door, I hope you’ll see happiness
waiting for you to let it enter in your home.
Happy Ramadan!

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Sacrificing our body could never equal the unconditional love
we experience from our one and only God.
Happy Ramadan!

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