4 Mart 2016 Cuma


I can see the sign in your very eyes. The sign that you are mine forever. I love my life with you. Goodnight.

* * *  * *

Today might not have brought all your expected goodies, but I see tomorrow bringing them in their numbers. Goodnight and Goodmorning in advance my love.

I think of you as soon as I wake up and then again before I fall asleep. You see, you’re never out of my thoughts. Have a Good Night!

* * *  * *

I don't dream about you, because I can never fall asleep thinking about you.

* * *  * *

I didn't want to kiss you goodbye, I wanted to kiss you goodnight.

Touch your heart, close ur eyes. Make a wish, say goodnight. Sky so wide, stars so bright, off the lights, sleep so tight. . sefa altunsoy

Touch your heart, close ur eyes. Make a wish, say goodnight. Sky so wide, stars so bright, off the lights, sleep so tight.

* * *  * *

Good night. Sleep tight. I wish you lovely dreams with all my might.

* * *  * *


Lst night I snt an angl to watch ovr u while u vr sleeping.
He cam bck erly, So i asked him y?
He said tht angls dn’t watch ovr othr angl.

* * *  * *

Nite time nd D whle world is asleep,
Bt caring hrts r awake thinking abut spcl 1s like u.
Gud Nite..

* * *  * *

Beautiful" Morning
Colourful" Noon
Joyful" Evening
Peaceful" Night
Be happy its
Fantastic EVIninG
HAVE" "A" "Sweet" "Dreams

good night sweet dreams

sleepy SMS 4 a sleepy prsn
4rm a sleepy frnd
4 r a sleepy resn
at a sleepy tym
on D sleepy day
in a sleepy mood
2 say please sleep
gud ni8

* * *  * *

As U go 2 bed tonight,
I ordered bats 2 guard U tight.
I told some ghosts to dance in white,
And 2 make sure Ur alright,
I’ll ask the Dracula 2 kiss Ur neck.
GÖ_ÖD night.

* * *  * *

Dear friend sending you love filled wish....
To take you in the dream world
And get you moon hugs, star kisses
In this cozy, cool Night!
G O O D(*.*)N I G H T

* * *  * *

Dont keep ur drms in ur eyes,
it may fall down as tears,
bt keep it in ur hrt so tat evry hrtbeat reminds u abut it!!!gud nite....

* * *  * *

Night Is A Theater,
Dream Is A Movie,
God Is The Director,
Nature Is The Producer,
U R The Hero, "Enjoy"
The Night With Sweet Dreams

* * *  * *

Being your friend is my gift,
Missing you is my bad luck,
Disturbing you with SMS is my way of thinking you,
But keeping our friendship is my aim!
Good Night!

* * * * *

Night is longer than day for those who DREAM & day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS come true. Wish you Good Night & Sweet Dreams!

* * *  * *

u go 2 bed tonite,
I beg D moon 2 giv u li8,
Tell my angels 2 hug u ti8,
nd make sure u,re all ri8,
nd ask the gentle breeze
2 care u nd kiss gud ni8.

* * *  * *

You may think that I forgot you.
You may think that I don't care,
you may think that I'm not thinking of you.
Well, you're wrong.
You're still in my dreams.,
Close your eyes,
Concentrate your mind &
Pray to god about the things
That you want most.
GOD must fulfill your prayer...
Have a nice sleep...

* * *  * *

Ur sweet time of today is ending now..Forget bad incidents..
Remember beautiful moments..
To refresh ur mind & body, go to bed calm & peacefully.. Good night sweet dreams….

 * *  * *

I was looking out the windows
thinking about the person
I care most &
the person that came into my mind
is U so just wanna wish u good night. . . .

* * *  * *

Since Ur eyes are looking tired…
Let Ur eye lashes hug each other for few hours.
Happy journey into the world of dreams..

* * *  * *

When Nights are long & Friends are few,
I sit by my Window & think of u.
a silent whisper a silent tear.
with all my Heart i wish you were here.
Good night & sweet dreams

* * *  * *

No matter if the sky is black or blue
No matter if there are stars or moon
As long as ur heart is true
Sweet dreams will always be with u. Good night!

Many nights, like tonight, words would fail me to express how I feel for you... In such nights, I just give up and say, you are Sweet.... Goodnight!

* * *  * *

Looking into your eyes only, I can see more than promise and commitment you have kept to grow this love. I love you for being great. Good night sweetheart.

* * *  * *

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