6 Mart 2016 Pazar


I wish every single night will end with my ear by yours, whispering "Good night to you my love." Good night.

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You'll be my end, even if you are not the beginning. You will be my arm when my strength fails, and the perfect one for me forever. Good night my love.

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Look...the moon is calling you ...
see the stars are shining for you..
hear my heart says: may Allah build for you a castle in heaven and made you eat from its fruits !!!!
Good Night (S)

A bed of clouds for U to sleep,
Diamond stars as ur bedside lamp,
Angels from heaven singing lullabies for U,
May u sleep peacefully thru out the night.
Good Night

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Saying gudnite is not just putting an end to a day.Its a way of saying , I remember u before i go 2 sleep.
Hope u can fel the care that goes with it.

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Night is longer than day for those who DREAM & day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS come true. Wish you Good Night & Sweet Dreams!

good night messages

Hv given sm marvlous prsns a spcl place in my hrt
nd u happen 2 b D 1 among Dm topping D list.
Gud night nd lots of sweet sugary drms.
Cuddle up nd sleep tight..

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Saying gudnite is not just putting an end to a day.Its a way of saying , I remember u before i go 2 sleep.
Hope u can fel the care that goes with it.

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Night is longer than day for those who DREAM & day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS come true. Wish you Good Night & Sweet Dreams!

good night sweet dreams

Hv given sm marvlous prsns a spcl place in my hrt
nd u happen 2 b D 1 among Dm topping D list.
Gud night nd lots of sweet sugary drms.
Cuddle up nd sleep tight..

* * *  * *

Sun wouldn’t be red,
Sea wouldn’t be blue,
I wouldn’t be happy,
 Without disturbing you!.

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Time 2 sleep guys:)

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God's guidance is like a small lamp in a dark forest...
doesn't show everything at once...
But Gives enough light for next step to be safe...
Gud n8

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Dreams tOuch yOur heart and sOul
it is a magical memOry that
unites fantasy and reality
HOpe U'll have the
sweetest dream tOnight
GoOd Night

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Last nyt i hugged my pillow & dream of u
I wish that someday i'd dream about my pillow
I'd be hugging U

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 | |G |
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 sweet dreams....

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When an angel came to me,
He asked: "What is your wish for tonight?"
I said "Please take care of the person who's reading this message."
Good Night!

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The moon is sailing in sky,
with out any noise or shy,
she comes at night,
but looks so bright,
she never comes at noon,and disappears soon. GN

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My nights have been boring...want to help me change that?

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Can't sleep because you are on my mind!

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I must be a fish because you caught me hook, line and sinker!

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i looked up in the sky n saw the brightest star i have ever seen,i closed my eyes n wished to it to let the person who is reading this msg a smooth sleep….good night…sweet dreams…always thinking of u..

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i wish i could be
there to hold u tight,
instead of saying
this loving good night.

No one will ever care for you more than I will ever do, because no one do you love more than you love me. Good night my love.

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I'll always be there... Be here and there for you through to the end. I will be close to you ever, even more than would the best of friend. Goodnight my love.

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