28 Ekim 2016 Cuma



You wouldn't believe 
On All Hallow Eve 
What lots of fun we can make, 
With apples to bob, 
And nuts on the hob, 
And a ring-and-thimble cake.

Halloween images

On Hallowe'en the thing you must do 
Is pretend that nothing can frighten you 
And if somethin' scares you and you want to run 
Just let on like it's Hallowe'en fun.

IF you hear scraping at the window, don’t worry its only a branch. The zombies use them to reach the windows. Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

I know its horrible to ask but.. could i borrow your face for Halloween?

Halloween images

Put your costume on and grab your bag for collecting those goodies and treats! It's Halloween and I hope that yours is super sweet!

Halloween images

A great big drop of thrills and chills, I'm sending off to you. Hope you have a Happy Halloween and gets lots of treats, too!

Halloween images

Here's my little Halloween treat that's as short as a Halloween tweet..."Hi!"

Halloween images

Who says you have to share ALL of the Halloween candy? Whoever it is...let them share theirs!! Happy Halloween!

Can you feel the hug that's here? It's sealed with a kiss and it's supposed to put love in

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21 Ekim 2016 Cuma

Jumma Mubarak 2017

Jumma Mubarak 2017-Jumma Mubarak 2017 İmages-Jumma Mubarak Messages, free, new Jumma Mubarak 2016

The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday. Allah created Aadam on it, Made to enter into Paradise, and was expelled to it. And The Last Day will take place none other than on Friday.

* * * * *

“Paradise lies at the feet of your mother.” (Nasa’i)
Jummah Mubarak!

May our deeds attract Allah’s Love,
Noor and barakah to have our lives
Filled with happiness,
Freedom and to be saved from Calamities,
I wish you a heart-full Jumma Mubarak
To achieve such deeds.

* * * * *

Jumma Mubarak! 

jumma mubarak 2017

Jumma Mubarak!

* * * * *

A person asked Allah’s Messenger (May Please And Blessings Be Upon Him); 
Who among muslims was better.
Upon this hand and tongue,
Muslims are safe under the Arms Of Allah.
Jummah mubarak!

* * * * *

When All Things Went Dark,
And You Search For A Light
To See Things Clearly,
Then Hidaya Is The Light Waiting For You.
Don’t Wait For It
But Start You Search For It From Now.
Have A Fruitful Jumma!

* * * * *

Whoever Reads Surah-Al Kahf On Jumma,
Allah Promises He Would Have Light
In His Life That ShinesFrom One Friday To Next.
I Wish You Too Have The Same
With Blessings Through Out The Week.

* * * * 

Our Lord !
Verily We Have Heard The Call Of One
(Mohammed SAW) Calling To Faith:
‘Believe In Your Lord And We Have Believed In Ours’.
Forgive Us From Our Sins And Remit
From Our Evil Deeds
Jumma Mubarak.

friday messages, 

Fasting Is Not About Diet Of Burning Calories ;
But Burning Of Pride, Ego And Sins!
Have A Peaceful Fasting.
Have Blessed Friday..

* * * * *

May Allah Gavee You Piety As Your Provision.
Forgive Your Sins,and Make Goodness Easy For
You Wherever You Are.
Jumma Mubarak!

* * * * *

When You Are In Trouble,
Don’t Ever Say,”hey God!,
I Have Big Problem” Instead Say,
Hey Problem, I Have Big God!
And Everything Will Be Fine….
Have A Beautiful Friday!

jummah mubarak 2016-2017 İmages messages, quotes

The Masjids Are Free But Empty
The Clubs Are Paid But Full.
It’s Free To Enter Heaven.
Costly To Enter Hell.
Can We Be Wise??
Jumma Mubarak!

Dear Almighty! We only obey you as your subjects and we only request help from you. Head us to the right path. Lead us to the path of those who you provided with blessings and not the path of those who have been punished and those who have steered away.
Jummah Mubarak!

* * * * * 

Jummah Of Ramadan
Dear Allah….
Please Give Us A Chance To See Next Ramadan.
Please Give Long & Healtht Life To Our Parents.
Please Give Jannah To Those Muslims Who Are Not In This World
Please Forgive Our Sins.
Please Give Health To Sick People.
Please Send Good Proposals For Our Sisters & Daughter.
Please Bring Peace In Muslim Countries.
Please Give Freedom To Those Muslim Who Are Struggling For It.
Please Bring Happiness In Every Muslim’s Life.
Please Bring Back To Those Who Are Missing.
Please Allah Make Us Good Muslim.
Please Allah Help Muslim Against Their Enemies.
Please Give Us Haya.
Please Make Our Future Good.
Please Allah Don’t Leave Us Alone.
Please Give The Good Life Partner To The Boys & Girls.
Please Give Us A Chance To Do Umrah And Hajj.
Please Help The Poor.
Please Give Us A Power To Help Poor.
Please Give Me A Strength To Do Good Acts
Please Fulfill Our Legal Desires
Please Save Us From Fire Of Hell.
Please Give Us Place In Jannah After Death
Say ” Ameen” 

Jumma Is A Wonderful DAY
“To Pray”
“To Love”
“To Care”
“To Smile”
“To Relax”
“To Thank ALLAH”
For All He Gives To Us
Jummah Mubarak.

* * * * * 

Jummah Mubarak
Islam Says:
When The Time Of Jumua’h Prayer Comes,
Discontinue Every Activity And Answer The Call To Prayer,
Meet Earnestly, Pray, Consult And Learn By Social Contact;
And When The Meeting Is Over,
Scatter And Go About Your Business

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19 Ekim 2016 Çarşamba



Happy mashujaa day to all kenyans.

* * * * *

Our heroes remind us everyday that we are a nation of winners.
Because our gallant freedom fighters won, we celebrate the freedom, dignity and progress that we have won because of them. They bestowed us with a legacy that we must honour with all our lives. We cherish our nationhood, heritage and the splendor of Kenya in commemoration of the struggles and sacrifices made by our freedom fighters. We must always do them proud.
Happy Mashujaa Day!

Hongera to mashujaa wetu all Kenyans even those who live like its not yet independence are heroes in one way or the other.

happy mashujaa day Quotes

Our past has many instances where Kenyans, who are brothers and sisters, have been incited and manipulated to turn against each other on irrational ethnic and religious grounds. As a result, lives have been lost, property destroyed and people displaced from their homes. These incidents shame all of us as a nation, and defile the memory of our heroes. We must never allow anyone, or anything to divide us. Just as we reject domination, we must also reject division and discord.
Happy Mashujaa day

mashujaa day kenya

God bless you, and God bless Kenya
Happy Mashujaa Day!

* * * * *

Let us also honour those Kenyans who, every day, perform acts of selflessness and bravery. They include the volunteers who respond in disasters and emergencies, the philanthropists who donate to the needy and members of our security services who protect us at great risk to their own lives. On my own behalf, and on behalf of the people of Kenya, I say a big “Thank You” to all of you.
Happy Mashujaa day!

* * * * *

mashujaa day kenya

Our forefathers rejected colonialism and imperial domination in their time. We must honour their legacy, and stay true to our heritage, by rejecting all forms of domination and manipulation in our time. Let us confront without flinching those external forces seeking to thwart our collective aspirations. They may be powerful and rich, but so were the colonists. They may disrespect and even hate us; we have defeated their ilk before. The struggle to defend our independence is a daily calling for all Kenyans, and all the people of Africa.
Happy Mashujaa day!

* * * * *

Life is 4 u, death is 4 me, being happy is 4 u, being sad is 4 me, being together is 4 u, being lonely is 4 me, everything 4 u but u r 4 me.
Happy Mashujaa day !!

* * * * * 

Everyone has highs and lows that they have to learn from, but every morning I start off with a good head on my shoulders, saying to myself, 'It's going to be a good day!'.
Happy Mashujaa Day!

mashujaa day kenya

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.
Happy Mashujaa Day!

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You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.
Happy Mashujaa Day!

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Our children may learn about the heroes of the past. Our task is to make ourselves the architects of the future.
Happy Mashujaa Day!

* * * * *

There is something about safari life that makes you forget all your sorrows and feel as if you had drunk half a bottle of champagne - bubbling over with heartfelt gratitude for being alive. One only feels really free when one can go in whatever direction one pleases over the plains, to get to the river at sundown and pitch one's camp, with the knowledge that one can fall asleep beneath other trees, with another view before one, the next night
Happy Mashujaa Day!

* * * * * 

Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu, we sing in the anthem,
Ilete Baraka kwetu, we call upon blessings
To rent the air of Kenya’s majesty
Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu, we sing in the anthem,
Venerating our Heroes for their homogeneity
Harambee! Harambee! We chant without blemish
Eee Mungu Nguvu Yetu, we sing in the anthem
Ilete Baraka kwetu, we call upon blessings
Happy Mashujaa Day!

* * * * *

Dear forgotten (s)hero lurking in the shadows
I got your crumbled letter in a dustbin
Rotting away in waste of greed
Dear forgotten (s)hero lurking in the shadows
Now a forbidden fragrance amid filth
What is an artificial statue worth in Patrio-meter?
Dear forgotten (s)hero lurking in the shadows
Echoes of the hills will make your names sanguine
Happy Mashujaa Day!

* * * * *

When God created Kenya, He spoke thus:
“Let us create Mara, the Maasai and Mombasa”
And, having created them, He said it was good
When God created Kenya, He spoke thus:
“Now let us populate her with people most good”
Then God dotted it with wonderful vegetation and landscapes
When God created Kenya, He spoke thus:
“I envy Mara, the Maasai and Mombasa”.
Happy Mashujaa Day!

When is Mashujaa Day in Kenya

Mashujaa Day is celebrated on 20 October. If 20 October falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be a holiday

When is Mashujaa Day?
October 20th
October 20th
October 20th

What is Mashujaa Day

Mashujaa is Swahili for Heroes and as such Mashujaa Day is also known as Heroes' Day.
It as a public holiday to honour all Kenyans who have contributed towards the struggle for Kenya's independence.

This holiday used to be known as Kenyatta Day, named after Jomo Kenyatta, who was first Prime Minister and then President of Kenya.

mashujaa day kenya

Kenyatta was a prominent campaigner for the independence of Kenya from British rule. He was arrested in October 1952 along with five others (Achieng' Oneko, Bildad Kaggia, Fred Kubai, Kung'u Karumba and Paul Ngei) on charges of being members of the Mau Mau Society, a movement engaged in rebellion against Kenya's British rulers. The accused were known as the 'Kapenguria Six'.
The detainment of the six is seen as prominent event in the struggle for independence and was therefore commemorated with a public holiday on 20 October.

When Kenya adopted a new constitution in August 2010, several changes were made to the public holidays observed in Kenya and Kenyatta Day was renamed to Mashujaa Day and the focus of the day was widened to include all those who contributed to the inoutdependence of Kenya.
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16 Ekim 2016 Pazar


GOOD EVENING QUOTES - GOOD EVENING QUOTES images, for her, for him, tumblr,

If you really love someone, all you want for him/her is happiness, even if you cannot have him/her in your life.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

the time when friends get ready to party the night away.
A bright new start, a brand new opening.
A bold new launch, a fantastic beginning.
I hope every single day of yours, turns out to be beautifully amazing.
Good Evening!

It’s only after twilight, that a new dawn begins. Good evening.

* * * * *

I like a quiet evening with family or friends over, great food and great discussion and a lot of laughter. That's really what I think fills my tank. Anna Eshoo

* * * * *

Two people will find each other at the end of the way even after a thousand stumbles if they are meant to be together.
Good Evening!

good evenig images with quotes

Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night. William Blake

* * * * *

There is a dead spot in the night, that coldest, blackest time when the world has forgotten evening and dawn is not yet a promise. A time when it is far too early to arise, but so late that going to bed makes small sense.
Good Evening!

good evening images

Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life.

* * * * *

Surely, you go to the theater because you want to have a great evening in the theater. Andrew Lloyd Webber

* * * * *

The heart is like a madhouse…there is always room for more crazy. And I found “crazy” when I found you my darling!
Good Evening!

* * * * *

I love 'Some Enchanted Evening', and 'If I Loved You'. And as I sing them more and more, I find new favorites. Bernadette Peters

Though I might not love you the way you would like me to love you, I’ll always love you with all my heart in the best way I know how. Good Evening My Love!

* * * * *

Mornings may be the most important part of the day.
Afternoons may be the most hectic part of the day.
Nights may be the most rejuvenating part of the day.
But evenings are definitely the most romantic part of the day.
Good evening.
Good Evening!

* * * * *
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11 Ekim 2016 Salı



For age is opportunity no less Than youth itself, though in another dress, And as the evening twilight fades away The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day.

* * * * *

I'm very sensitive. Because my mum was my primary emotional caregiver growing up, I found myself being pinned into dresses, darting her dresses, choosing her high heels for the evening or what to wear. I'm very much a mommy's boy. Tom Hardy

The darkness of death is like the evening twilight; it makes all objects appear more lovely to the dying.

Good evening love messages

I felt very much like a hooker who had just been told she was a lady of the evening.
Good Evening!


Not to discriminate every moment some passionate attitude in those about us, and in the very brilliancy of their gifts some tragic dividing on their ways, is, on this short day of frost and sun, to sleep before evening. Walter Pater

* * * * *

I know folks all have a tizzy about it, but I like a little bourbon of an evening. It helps me sleep. I don't much care what they say about it. Lillian Gordy Carter

The perfect couple is not the one that never has problems, but that despite the obstacles are always together.
Good Evening!

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7 Ekim 2016 Cuma


Friends like you are the reason why there’s never a sunset in my life’s happiness.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

This message is to confirm that you are scheduled for an amazing close to the day.
Good Evening!

Take a deep breath, clear your mind and just gaze into the beautiful twilight… just go soul-searching. Good evening.

* * * * *

My evening really begins when I take a long, hot bath. I light a candle, and I turn on the news and try to catch up. It's when I can breathe from the day to the night, and that means a lot to me. Vera Wang

* * * * *

As to that leisure evening of life, I must say that I do not want it. I can conceive of no contentment of which toil is not to be the immediate parent. Anthony Trollope

good evening images

You will fall in love with me if you see me as I smile when I hear your voice.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

The sun sets in the evening today with the promise that it will rise again tomorrow.
Here’s hoping that this awesome day comes to a close with the promise that there will be better tomorrow.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray. Lord Byron


I love to put on diamonds and beautiful evening gowns and make my girl-friends upset. Zsa Zsa Gabor

* * * * *

Reason, I sacrifice you to the evening breeze. Aime Cesaire

* * * * *

Love is not looking at each other; it is looking together in the same direction.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

In between waking up from bed in the morning and going back in the evening, let something happen. God will bless that “something” for you.
Good Evening!

Mornings may be the most important part of the day.
Afternoons may be the most hectic part of the day.
Nights may be the most rejuvenating part of the day.
But evenings are definitely the most romantic part of the day.
Good evening.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Do you know what parties, romantic dates, fun night outs, beautiful sunsets and candle lit dinners have in common? They all begin in the evening. Have a good one
* * * * *
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6 Ekim 2016 Perşembe


In the morning a man walks with his whole body; in the evening, only with his legs. Ralph Waldo Emerson

* * * * *

If you really love someone, all you want for him/her is happiness, even if you cannot have him/her in your life.
Good Evening!

the time when friends get ready to party the night away.
A bright new start, a brand new opening.
A bold new launch, a fantastic beginning.
I hope every single day of yours, turns out to be beautifully amazing.
Good evening.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

It’s only after twilight, that a new dawn begins. Good evening.

Best good evening quotes

I like a quiet evening with family or friends over, great food and great discussion and a lot of laughter. That's really what I think fills my tank. Anna Eshoo

* * * * *

Two people will find each other at the end of the way even after a thousand stumbles if they are meant to be together.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

There is a dead spot in the night, that coldest, blackest time when the world has forgotten evening and dawn is not yet a promise. A time when it is far too early to arise, but so late that going to bed makes small sense.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life.

* * * * *

Surely, you go to the theater because you want to have a great evening in the theater. Andrew Lloyd Webber

* * * * *

The heart is like a madhouse…there is always room for more crazy. And I found “crazy” when I found you my darling!
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night. William Blake

I love 'Some Enchanted Evening', and 'If I Loved You'. And as I sing them more and more, I find new favorites. Bernadette Peters

* * * * *

Though I might not love you the way you would like me to love you, I’ll always love you with all my heart in the best way I know how. Good Evening My Love!
* * * * *
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5 Ekim 2016 Çarşamba


May the sun in your life never set, may it always rise high and above…
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Your hands understand me, talk to me, touch me, take me, do not let me lose hope…hug me each second.
Good Evening!

I never want anyone to have a bad evening because I caused it. Doug Morris

* * * * *

Your morning was productive, your afternoon excellent. Your track record for the day says that your evening will be brilliant. Good evening.

good evening image

I want to be cold because I totally melt when I touch your skin.
Good Evening!

Our love is infinite like the sea, it has a beginning…but not an end. Good Evening!

Our love is infinite like the sea, it has a beginning…but not an end.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

A good evening is too small a wish for you…
I’d like to wish you an awesome life.
I hope the beautiful hues of twilight infuse a generous doze of happiness in your life.
Good evening.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Evening is a time of real experimentation. You never want to look the same way. Donna Karan

* * * * *

Good evening to the colleague whose presence has made for many great evenings.

Evenings allow you to forget the bitter worries of the day and get ready for the sweet dreams of night. Good Evening!

Evenings allow you to forget the bitter worries of the day and get ready for the sweet dreams of night.
Good Evening!

An evening dress that reveals a woman's ankles while walking is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. Valentino Garavani

* * * * *

When you find a person who listens to you, cares for you, supports you, encourages you…then you have found one more reason to say I LOVE YOU to someone in your life!
Good Evening!

* * * * *

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4 Ekim 2016 Salı


Our love is infinite like the sea, it has a beginning…but not an end. Good Evening!

Our love is infinite like the sea, it has a beginning…but not an end.
Good Evening!

good evening image

I want to be cold because I totally melt when I touch your skin.
Good Evening!

good evening images

No matter how bad your day has been,
the beauty of the setting sun will make everything serene.
Good Evening!

Inhale and hold the evening in your lungs. Good Evening!

Inhale and hold the evening in your lungs.
Good Evening!

If I don't fish in the morning, I fish in the evening. Deion Sanders

If I don't fish in the morning, I fish in the evening. Deion Sanders

good evening images

Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life.

good evening images

I write in the morning, I walk in the afternoon and I read in the evening. It's a very easy, lovely life. Margaret Forster

Evenings allow you to forget the bitter worries of the day and get ready for the sweet dreams of night. Good Evening!

Evenings allow you to forget the bitter worries of the day and get ready for the sweet dreams of night.
Good Evening!

best good evening images with quotes, good evening images, good evening images for facebook, good evening love messages, good evening messages, good evening pics, good evening tumblr, good evening wishes, 
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3 Ekim 2016 Pazartesi


I want to kiss you until my breathgoes away. Until I lose consciousness, until I touch the sky…
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Love is to choose a person, choose him/her again every day and share all your hopes and dreams with that person.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

The tantalizing rays of the setting sun, Remind me that you're my number one. I Love you.
Good Evening!

good evening images

I write in the morning, I walk in the afternoon and I read in the evening. It's a very easy, lovely life. Margaret Forster

* * * * *

Last night I asked an angel to protect you while you slept. Soon I returned and she asked me why I had returned. “An angel does not need someone else to protect her”, I replied to her. It is one of best Sweet evening quotes for her.

* * * * *

To see you is like a breath of fresh air that inspires me, feeds me, excites me, reassures me, disturbs me, disconcerts me…kills me…
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Evening is a time of real experimentation, you never want to look the same way. Good Evening.vPrayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening.
Good evening.

Inhale and hold the evening in your lungs. Good Evening!

Inhale and hold the evening in your lungs.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

I'd love to knock an audience cold with one note, but what do you do for the rest of the evening? Eric Clapton

* * * * *

In something as small as a tear…perfectly fits something as big as a feeling!
Good Evening!

* * * * *

It was a wonderful experience to live the life for a year; to spend all day doing Shakespeare and then do a play in the evening. Phil Daniels

* * * * *

Anyone can make you smile, but only a special person can make you happy. And you make me very happy my love!
Good Evening!

* * * * *

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An evening is just a pause to think about the great things you will do tomorrow.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Sometimes I've been to a party where no one spoke to me for a whole evening. The men, frightened by their wives or sweeties, would give me a wide berth. And the ladies would gang up in a corner to discuss my dangerous character. Marilyn Monroe

Gray hairs seem to my fancy like the soft light of the moon, silvering over the evening of life. Jean Paul

* * * * *

Last night I looked at the sky and began to give each star some reasons why I love you so much. The stars were not enough! Have a good evening!

* * * * *

To love is to find happiness in another’s happiness.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Great is the art of beginning. But greater is the art of ending.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Some people hate early mornings and some people hate late nights.
But everyone loves evenings!
Good evening.
Good Evening!

good evening images

No matter how bad your day has been,
the beauty of the setting sun will make everything serene.
Good evening.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

A beautiful twilight signifies the impending dawn of new dreams and ambitions in life. Good evening.

If I don't fish in the morning, I fish in the evening. Deion Sanders

If I don't fish in the morning, I fish in the evening. Deion Sanders

I would not change one minute of yesterday with you for a hundred years of life without you.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

Evenings are the beautifully sweet spot between the harsh light of the day and the dead darkness of night.
Good Evening!

* * * * *

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1 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi


May peace and blessings of Almighty Allah be with you this year and always! Happy New Year, 1438 Hijri. Remember me in your prayers.

happy islamic new year

I wish you the “ISLAMIC YEAR”.
Happy new “ISLAMIC YEAR 1438 HIJR

Happy Islamic New Year images

Flowerful Morning.
Colourful Noon.
Joyful Evening
Peaceful Night
Wish u a Fantastic year ahead..!!
"Happy Islamic New Year !!!".

* * * * *

Let us remember Allah’s Messenger’s Hijrah from Makkah to Medina, and the transformation of Yasrib into Medina.
Let us reminisce about Hijrah, the great milestone in the Islamic cause.
Let us remember Umar’s adoption of Hijrah as the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
And let us remember that the real Hijrah today is to emigrate from evil that is forbidden from Allah and His Messenger.
On that note, I pray to the Almighty Lord that our new hijri year which starts on Sunday may bring good things.

islamic new year images

Wishing you and your family New Year full of peace, happiness and abundance of all.May Allah bless you through out the new year. Happy Hijri Year Again!

* * * * *

As the new year renews all the happiness and good tidings, hope the joyful spirit keeps glowing in your heart forever! Happy New Islamic Year!

* * * * *

Let us also remember the month of Muharram
Let us remember Muharram ul haram, the month worthy of reverence, and Ashura, and also remember Karbala with sorrow.
Let us remember Hussain, the highest of martyrs, the lord of paradise youth.
Let us send our greetings and regards to Allah’s Messenger, and his family.

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islamin new year images

May Allah almighty shower his blessing on Muslim Ummah n all Islamic Countries!....

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As Year 1433 is gonna be an End
And We’ll Enter in New Year
With New Hopes and Plans
Let‘s Pray to Allah for
A Blessed and Wonderful
New Year with Peace and
All our Dreams Come True

Happy New Islamic Year 1438......



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The Islamic new year wil be a year of favour, success, blessing to all muslim around the world and our country at large, Insha allah. Happy New Year.

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You alone we worship,
& you alone we ask for help,
for each and everything.
May your faith in Him
always bring you
peace and prosperity…
Happy New Hijri Year!

May all the praises
and thanks be to Allah.
To whom belongs all
that is in heavens
& in the earth.
Have a blessed Muharram!

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On the auspicious day of Muharram, may Allah bless you with health, wealth, peace and happiness!

muharram new year

Let us believe in the messenger of Allah
and follow the light
which has been
sent down with Him.

Have a blessed Muharram…

happy new islamic year

A very happy Islamic New Year to you and and your family!   

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Happy Muharram!

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I wish you the “ISLAMIC YEAR”. Happy new “ISLAMIC YEAR 1438 HIJRI”

happy hijri new year

May Allah almighty shower his blessing on Muslim Ummah n all Islamic Countrie New hijri year. 1438 Mubarak

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Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is one of the four sacred months of the year in which fighting is prohibited. Since the Islamic calendar is lunar, Muharram moves from year to year when compared with the Gregorian calendar.

Muharram is so called because it is unlawful to fight during this month; the word is derived from the word haram, meaning "forbidden". It is held to be the most sacred of all the months, excluding Ramadan. Some Muslims fast during these days. The tenth day of Muharram is called Yaumu-l 'Ashurah, which is known by Shia Muslims as 'the day of grief'.

happy new hijri year

Some Sunni Muslims fast during this day, because Prophet Musa A.S (Moses) and his ummah got victory against Pharoah on this 10th day of moharram; according to them Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam) asked Muslims to fast on this day, and also a day extra either before or after, so that they are not similar to Jews. Since jews use to fast for 1 day due to the same reason.

Fasting differs among the Muslim groupings; mainstream Shia Muslims stop eating and drinking during sunlight hours and do not eat until late afternoon. Sunni Muslims also fast during Muharram for the first 10 days of Muharram, just the tenth day or on both the ninth and tenth days; the exact term depending on the individual. Shia Muslims do so to replicate the sufferings of Husayn ibn Ali on the day of Ashurah. Some Shia Muslims, especially in India, go further in their attempts of replication, including self-flagellation

Last year is for "MEMORIES".. 
Next year is a "IMAGINATION".. 
This year is "GOD's GIFT".. 
wish u a very "Happy 
Muharram"Hijri 1438 

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Hijri 1438,Another New year in our Life.  begin to purify our hearts with 
Thasbeeh,Thahmeeth & Thahleel every day until end of our life.I make du'a for u & ur family in this first day.
"Have a Happy Muharram" 

New Day.. 
New Hopes.. 
New Plans.. 
New Efforts.. 

I Pray Allah to give u a successful life. 
Have a "HAPPY MUHARRAM" Hijri-1438

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“O Allah guide us... Unite us... reduce the suffering and hardship of every Muslim... 
O Allah give us knowledge and wisdom...give us strength and character...
O Allah Forgive Our Sins,and save us from torture of grave and fire of hell.. 
O Allah make us obedient to your Commands and the Sunnah of our Holy Prophet (pbuh) and guide 
Ummah to success in this world and in the hereafter.”
Muharram mubarak!

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Let us remember Allah’s Messenger’s Hijrah from Makkah to Medina, and the transformation of Yasrib into Medina.
Let us reminisce about Hijrah, the great milestone in the Islamic cause.
Let us remember Umar’s adoption of Hijrah as the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
And let us remember that the real Hijrah today is to emigrate from evil that is forbidden from Allah and His Messenger.
On that note, I pray to the Almighty Lord that our new hijri year which starts on Sunday may bring good things.

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Let us also remember the month of Muharram
Let us remember Muharram ul haram, the month worthy of reverence, and Ashura, and also remember Karbala with sorrow.
Let us remember Hussain, the highest of martyrs, the lord of paradise youth.
Let us send our greetings and regards to Allah’s Messenger, and his family.

happy new year for the all muslims in the world 1438

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Wishing you & your family…
New Year full of
peace, happiness and abundance of all…
May Allah bless you throughout the new year
Muharram Mubarak!

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